Effluent Management Plan



In accordance with 21 (1) (a-c) of the Otago Regional Plan for Water:

This effluent plan was prepared in October 2023 and will be reviewed by October 2024 with the results noted in this section with changes recorded automatically.  The contents of this Effluent Management Plan are available to the regional council on written request.

Location and Ownership

In accordance with 21 (2) (a-e) of the Otago Regional Plan for Water

The physical location of the farm where the effluent system is located is 419 Tilverstowe Road, Island Cliff and the effluent is applied to the same address. The two dairy sheds are located at 419 Tilverstowe Rd (Fonterra supply number 36165)  and 89 Brookstead Rd (with Fonterra dairy supply number 36148). Refer to the legal descriptions below for full details.

Farm Owner

Waimarie Holdings Ltd

419 Tilverstowe Road, 

RD 7C, 

Oamaru 9491


Person in Charge

Barry Matthews
0274 836 050

Waimarie Dairy Farm

419 Tilverstowe Road Island Cliff

Legal Description


Effluent: 76ha through big pods.

Brookhaven Dairy Farm

89 Brookstead Road Island Cliff

Legal Description

Lot 1 DP 19195

Lot 2 DP 19195

Lot 1-2 Deposited Plan 797


Effluent: 68ha through big pods.

Existing Consents

Winter Grazing Consent RM23.121.01 and RM23.121.02.


In accordance with Schedule 21 (2) (e) of the Otago Regional Plan for Water.

Effluent Discharge Area: 76ha on Waimarie and 68ha on Brookhaven. Total 144ha

The systems both feature gravity feed from the shed through a stone trap to the solids pond and then to the liquids storage pond. 

From the pond the effluent can be pumped directly to the pods.

Safety features include the timer to ensure over application is limited if it does occur, and is less likely to occur at all due to human error.

No effluent is to be discharged within:

Cows: Up to 750 cows on Waimarie and 450 cows on Brookhaven.

Waimarie Effluent Discharge Area

Brookhaven Effluent Area


In accordance with Schedule 21 (2) (e) (iv) of the Otago Regional Plan for Water

Soil Types and Risk Profiles

Click here to access the S - Map for Waimarie and Brookhaven. The effluent application area consists of Ngapara  soils which are low risk FDE Category D land less than 7 degrees slope and high risk Category C when over 7 degrees slope. Refer to the Waimarie and Brookhaven Slope Map. According to Dairy NZ industry best practice the maximum effluent irrigation depth allowed is 10mm when a soil water deficit is identified that is greater than the application rate. This is achieved by application using low rate tools, specifically a large effluent pods which can apply a custom amount depending on how long it runs in the same spot. 

Bucket tests are used to verify application rates and soil moisture deficit is determined a minimum of 24 hours after rain by a calibrated hand-held probe at the next location effluent will be applied. The application rate must not result in exceeding Field Capacity.

Subsurface Drains

No subsurface drains are known in the effluent area.

Critical Source Areas

Critical source areas are excluded from the effluent application area as shown on the map above.

Operational Procedures and Maintenance

In accordance with Schedule 21 (2) (f) of the Otago Regional Plan for Water

The effluent pump is maintained monthly as part of the dairy shed inspection. For major issues that can't be repaired in-house contact Waterforce on 03 437 2210.

Electrical issues are to be referred to an electrician.

All maintenance and repairs are recorded in the Irrigation Maintenance record and the standard methods for operating the system are in the Effluent Procedures displayed in the cow shed.

ORC Fact sheets provide guidance for staff.



Inspection, Monitoring and Reporting

In accordance with Schedule 21 (2) (g) of the Otago Regional Plan for Water


Inspect the system for leaks, ponding and run off each time the pump is started up and in between shifts. Weak points are at the hydrants and the feeder hose. Check for kinks in the hose, holes, leaks or blowouts. Check that the nozzles are under pressure, the irrigator is operating normally. Ensure the irrigator is not in a swale. Leaks, ponding, run off and flow through drainage can cause the effluent to enter a waterway which must not occur.

As part of the monthly shed inspection check the area below the storage pond for wet patches, areas of grass that are greener than the grass surrounding it or any other signs of leaking from the pond. Include a check of the stone traps to ensure they aren't becoming blocked.

Bucket tests are completed annually on the irrigators to verify application depth and rate.

Latest inspections, audits and certificates from North Otago Irrigation Company, Fonterra (QCONZ), and Otago Regional Council available on request.


In addition to the checks after start up staff are to check the same components while the effluent is running if they are passing the irrigator during the day.

All staff are to report any odour from the system to the farm owner if it reaches the farm boundary, or if any complaints are received about the effluent system including odour.


When a leak, ponding or run off are discovered the pump must be turned off immediately and the fault reported to the farm owner within half an hour. Where possible the problem should be fixed immediately and recorded.

For major issues that can't be repaired in-house contact Waterforce.

Effluent applications are recorded in the dairy diary and reported at audits for NOIC, ORC and Fonterra.

Pond Drop Test Records

In accordance with Schedule 21 (2) (h) of the Otago Regional Plan for Water

Waimarie and Brookhaven storage ponds are permitted activities.

Date of last test: 19th July 2023

Date next test is due: 19th July 2028

Waimarie Drop Test Report
Waimarie Visual Inspection
Waimarie DESC

Brookhaven Drop Test Report
Brookhaven Visual Inspection
Brookhaven DESC

Contingency Measures

In accordance with Schedule 21 (2) (i) of the Otago Regional Plan for Water

The effluent system has several measures to prevent discharges to water:

Leak Response

In accordance with Schedule 21 (2) (j) of the Otago Regional Plan for Water

Effluent Complaint Record

A register of effluent complaints must be available to the Otago Regional Council on request. If a complaint is received use this form to collect the following information:

(a) The date, time, location, and nature of the complaint

(b) The name, phone number and address of the complainant – unless the complainant elects not to supply, this information

(c ) Action taken by the consent holder to remedy the situation and any policies or methods put in place to avoid or mitigate the problem occurring again.